Salient features of indus valley civilization pdf files

In every house there was a wellconstructed sink, and water flowed from the sink into the underground sewers in the streets. By 1800 bce, the indus valley civilization saw the beginning of their decline. Various researches have linked significantly the origin of indus valley civilization. All soak pits and drains were occasionally cleaned by workmen. Gk, general studies, optional notes for upsc, ias, banking, civil services.

The abandonment of major indus cities has been roughly dated to about 1700 b. Describe the salient features of ancient egyptian civilization and provide an analysis of its. Indus valley or harappan civilization, existed along the river indus. The harappan culture covered parts of punjab, sind, baluchistan, gujarat, rajasthan and the fringes of western uttar pradesh. Indus valley civilization ancient history encyclopedia. Town planning is the unique feature of indus valley civilization. Aug 05, 2015 by 2600 bce, dozens of towns and cities had been established, and between 2500 and 2000 bce the indus valley civilization was at its peak. Age and origin of the indus valley culture indus valley. Every house was furnished with stairs, a kitchen and several rooms. Before we move to the each site and settlements of the civilization lets have a look at some basic common features of the urban centers of the civilization. The indus valley civilization is also known as the harappan. People of the indus valley civilization kept domesticated animals like water buffaloes. Several of these features also evoke the presence of commercial and.

The indus valley civilization is the first known urban culture in india. Dec 10, 2017 town planning is the unique feature of indus valley civilization. The indus river valley civilization, located in modern pakistan, was one of the worlds. This society is commonly known as the indus valley or harappan civilization. To understand the indus valley civilization, we need to examine the evolvement of historical civilization. Cities are the symbols of the indus valley civilization characterized by the density of population, close integration between economic and social processes, techeconomic developments, careful planning for expansion and promotion of trade and commerce, providing opportunities and scope of work to artisans and craftsmen etc. Jun 06, 2018 discuss salient features of the indus valley civilization. Mention important places from where relics of civilization have been recovered so far.

It predated the aryan civilization by about 500 years. The indus valley civilisation ivc was a bronze age civilisation in the northwestern regions of. The history and culture has an important role in both upsc civil services preliminary exam and the main examination. Typically, the age of aryans is known as the vedic age because the four major vedas were created in this time. It has attempted to focus on the civilization and social advancement made by the ancient inhabitants of mohenjo daron and harappa. Their town planning proves that they lived a highly civilized and developed life. There are numerous theories and controversies in this subject. The indus river valley civilization was the first civilization to have running water and a sewage system. Understanding ancient civilizations series includes bibliographical references and index.

However, the initial hump suggests that it is a distributed scale invariant network with almost 3 strong nuclei and about 30 smaller nuclei. Society in the indus valley civilization is said to have comprised of three distinct social groups. The history of india begins with the birth of the indus valley civilization ivc, also known as harappan civilization. Oct 30, 20 decline of the indus valley civilization. The culture associated with the harappan civilization is the. Mohenjo daro, or mound of the dead is an ancient indus valley civilization city that flourished between 2600 and 1900 bce. There is evidence of dry river beds overlapping with the hakra channel in pakistan and the seasonal ghaggar river in india. Till then it was thought that south asia was first colonized by urban civilizations during the first millennium bce in the indogangetic plains by the people of the mahabharata. The indus valley civilization occupies a huge area. The indus valley civilization is believed to belong to the copper stone age as the presence of iron tools and implements has not yet been established at any part of this civilization. The indus civilization represents the earliest manifestation of urban development in the plains of the indus valley and its extension along the arabian seacoast. Indus valley civilization, early phase 33002600 bce. It was one of the first world and ancient indian cities.

The time period of mature indus valley civilization is estimated between bc. Study of growth of the indus civilisation by network analysis initially it is a random network. This is a list of indus valley civilization discoveries. The indus valley civilization covered parts of punjab, sindh, baluchistan, gujarat, rajasthan and the fringes of western uttar pradesh. The indus or harappan civilization was long forgotten till it was rediscovered in the late 19. It should be noted here that after the decline of indus valley civilization by 1500 bce, the next wave of civilization began to take shape in form of aryan occupation of indogangetic plain.

What are the distinctive features of an indus valley. In this article we will discuss about the food, social dress, ornaments, house hold articles, amusements, trade, social class and structure, religion and funerary customs of the people of indus valley civilization. The salient features of the indus valley civilization history. The main objective of this article not to innovate new theories of the indus valley civilization, but to reexamine the all available data and write in a concise form for ease of understanding of. The peaceful nature of these pre aryan people is also hiqhliqhteo as well. Discuss salient features of the indus valley civilization. It extended from jammu in the north to the narmada estuary in the south, and from the makran coast of baluchistan in the west to. Indus valley civilization extended from sutkagendor on the makran coast about 500 km west to karachi now in pakisan to alamgirpur on the hindon, near delhi and from manda in jammu to daimabad in maharashtra. Researchers have found swastikas a symbol that generally takes the form of an equilateral cross,hindu gods shiva and rudra, and a mother goddess symbolizing fertility. Researchers believe that the aryans influenced the hindu religion. Indus valley civilization after it was introduced by the aryans. References to meluhha in the mesopotamian literature does not occur after 1900 b.

Connected to the sewage system were bathrooms with toilets. Civilization in the indus valley welcome to 6th grade. Archeologists are still uncovering many large cities that were part of this civilization and make new discoveries each year. The main objective of this article not to innovate new theories of the indus valley civilization, but to reexamine the all available. Features of indus valley civilization from the ruins of the indus valley civilization, it can be deduced that the cities were incredibly wellplanned. The harappan culture covered parts of punjab, sind, baluchistan, gujarat, rajasthan and the. The indus valley civilization ivc was a bronze age civilization 33000 bce mature period 26001900 bce located in the western region of south asia, and spread over what are now pakistan, northwest india, and eastern afghanistan. Ancient indus civilization articles which can be downloaded and read as pdf files from this site. Social and economic life of indus valley civilization. The salient features of the indus valley civilization. Vahia, yadav reconstructing the history of harappan civilization 29 indus valley close to mehrgarh but in a far away region of hakra basin in harappa around 3200 bc and seems to be an indigenous development. As of 2019, over 1500 indus valley civilization sites have been discovered, of which 475 sites are in pakistan and 925 sites in india, while some sites in afghanistan are believed to be trading colonies.

The most prevalent name is inuds civilization the largest concentration of settlementalong the indus river valley. The drainage system of the indus valley civilization was far advanced. Important points to remember in indus valley civilization for prelims. Indus people were the first to build planned cities with scientific drainage system. This civilisation is credited for building cities complete with. The indus valley civilization encompassed most of pakistan, extending from balochistan to sindh, and extending iddidiinto modern day indian states of gujarat, rajasthan, haryana, and punjab, with an upward reach to rupar on the upperon the upper sutlej. Various elements of the indus civilization are found in later cultures. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Features of the indus valley civilization indus valley. The question about the origin of the indus valley civilization is largely unanswered. The street drains had manholes at regular intervals. Mohenjodaro features some of the earliest water management and sewage. History daily answer writing challenge insightsias.

Indus valley civilization was the first major civilization in south asia, which spread across a vast area of land in presentday india and pakistan around 12 lakh sq. Evolution of the harappan civilisation mayank vahia tata institute of fundamental research, mumbai. However, one can see the various elements of the ancient indus valley civilization in later cultures. This elaborate drainage system shows that the indus valley people were fully conversant with the principles of health and sanitation. The discovery of harappa is credited to dayaram sahni, madho sarup vats and marshall in 1921. Their towns were well planned and they had brick houses which were situated along the roads. So in the light of these evidences it has been made clear that foundation of indus valley civilization was laid in the neolithic period. Questions home cuyahoga falls city school district. May 04, 2011 then, lothal is different from other sites of indus valley civilization in terms of town planning that it has entry to the houses on the main street while in other sites have shown lateral entry. Describe, and evaluate the limitations of, three multicausal theories of the origins of the stateorganized society.

It flourished around 2,500 bc, in the western part of south asia, in contemporary pakistan and western india. The earliest evidence for elements of hinduism is alleged to have been. The only city in the indus valley civilization which does not have a citadel was chanhu daro, located some kilometers south of mohenjodaro. A timeframe of 4th3rd millennium bce was now possible for dating the earliest culture of the indian subcontinent. Once they become large, they evolved into scale invariant behaviour. P r a a a p h v l d i h r a o a i r g h a r k i a h r indus valley sites dholavira, harappa, mohenjodaro, lothal, rakhigarhi answers. Salient features of the civilization bengalstudents. However, the indus valley civilisation did not disappear suddenly, and many elements of the. There is evidence of dry river beds overlapping with the hakra channel. Causes of decline of the indus valley civilization introduction. Most inscriptions containing these symbols are extremely short, making it difficult to judge whether or not these symbols constituted a script used to record a language, or even symbolise a writing system. The indus river valley civilizations boundless world history.

Reconstructing the history of harappan civilization. The indus valley was home to the largest of the four ancient urban civilizations of egypt, mesopotamia, india and china. Motivation new data in several fields such as biology, geology, neurosciences, computer science etc. Which of the following is a crop not grown by people of the indus valley civilization. Socio, cultural contribution of mauryas, guptas, pallavas, chalukyas, cholas art and architecture harsha and the rajput age. Majority of the sites developed on the banks of river indus, ghaggar and its tributaries. In addition, there was a canal systems built to provide a reliable water source for the growth of crops.

Major cities during indus valley civilization source. The presence of harappan antiquities in mesopotamia clearly indicated the relationship between these two cultures and opened a. The indus valley is located on the eastern side of the indian subcontinent. Farther south, along the main stem of the indus in sind province, the largely.

The salient features of the indus valley civilization are as follows. To share with more than one person, separate addresses with a comma. The social and economic life of the people of indus valley civilization harappan civilization was systematic and organised. Housewives were expected to use pits in which heavier part of the rubbish will settle down while only sewerage water was allowed to drain off. Salient features of indus valley civilization the indus valley civilization or harappan civilization marked the start of cities planned for living. One of the important aspects of the harappan civilization is its apparent. The exhibition catalogue also documents selected objects in. Archaeological excavation indicates that the indus valley civilization could have flourished in about 300 bc much before the existence of other west asian. A remarkable feature of the rediscovering harappa special exhibition is that it has been. Control mechanisms in mesopotamia, the indus valley, the aegean and central europe, c.

The four principal settlements so far excavated provide the material to reconstruct the cultural content of the civilization. It extended from jammu in the north to the narmada estuary in the south, and from the makran coast of baluchistan in the west to meerut in the. M338 2008 934dc22 2007025308 1211100908 12345678910. Indus valley civilization pdf important points short. Writing started to disappear, standardized weights and measures used for trade and taxation purposes fell out of use, the connection with the near east was interrupted, and some cities were gradually abandoned. Their courtyards had wells, bathrooms and they had proper drainage systems. The indus script also known as the harappan script is a corpus of symbols produced by the indus valley civilization. The continuity of the indus civilization into later ages was not confined to the religious and spiritual fields alone. It extended from jammu in the north to mouth of river narmada in the south and from the makran coast of baluchistan in the west to meerut in the east. But early indus valley civilization had existed even before bc. Define a stateorganized society and describe four of its fundamental features.